Civilization And Its Discontents

Think more and believe less – John Trudell

I have no idea who Keith Woods is. I came upon this video today and ended up watching it all. Why did I watch it all? Well, for one thing the title of the video and second I did recognise Derrick Jensen in the thumbnail which is an philosopher I like in the modern times but this video goes into a whole other direction than I was expecting that I also learned a lot from and I’m happy I did listen to the whole thing and its about 22 minutes long.

What I take away from this video is that I hope that Anarchism, as a social movement, will into the future have promoters such as Keith Woods. And I hope that if you read this blog entry that you give yourself time to listen and experience the whole thing. It is a really interesting and thoughtful video. I wish more of the so called left could have thoughts and discussions in these ways.

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Since the days our grandfathers were born, we’ve invented television, the computer, the Internet, the iPod, the cell phone, the flu shot, hybrid cars, the GPS … You’d think all of this progress would have made us a smarter, safer, more sustainable society. And yet we’ve somehow lost our way. – Erin Bried

Progress. This word that so often is used in situations when we industrial humans want to pat ourselves on the back and think we are so great and smart and intelligent. But progress have more often than not come at the expense of others. Of other human societies, of other species that we share this planet with. Also for progress to occur for us industrial humans more often than not innocent beings are the ones who are used to achieve this said progress.

One of these progressions occurred on November the 3rd in 1957. Laika, a stray dog from the streets of Moscow became the first living creature to orbit the Earth, paving the way for human spaceflight, a great step for mankind of course. I guess if one thinks abusing innocent beings for your own mad ideas then by all means it was a great step, personally I would beg to differ.
She was launched on a one-way trip into outer space, on board of Sputnik 2. The plan was for Laika to die in space.
She died a painful death, within hours, from overheating and panic. There was no recovery plan in place for Laika. Sputnik 2 was never built to even be able to return. Scientists back then often used stray dogs for ”progressive” situations because they believed these dogs to endure extreme conditions of temperature and hunger better.

Laika was a mongrel female, approx 3 years old, quiet and charming.
One of the technicians preparing the capsule before liftoff stated that “after placing Laika in the container and before closing the hatch we kissed her nose and wished her bon voyage, knowing that she would not survive the flight”.
45 years after this event one of the scientists responsible for sending Laika into space expressed regret for allowing her to die: ”…we shouldn’t have done it…We did not learn enough from this mission to justify the death of the dog”.

So here we are in the present, the year is 2020 when I write this and more than half a century ago a stray dog died into space in order for us industrial humans to achieve progress. Now that we have achieved progress millions of stray dogs continue to be killed, unjustified, just because they are strays a long with many other non-human animals who pay with their lives often after living out their lives in miserable conditions in labs being tested on. And humans still don’t learn anything from their deaths. This is a legacy of the industrial age we shall be truly ashamed of.

Rest in peace Laika!

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Abraham, was probably not a very nice man.

”Root of all evil; it is the holy terror” – The Truth Beyond, Entombed

Abraham was the worlds first sociopath. I heard that being said more than once. Can we prove that is the case? Of course not. Can it have some kind of weight to it? Sure, but one does not necessarily have to be a sociopath in order to come up with horrendous ideas. And Abraham did indeed come up with ideas that to this day lingers on in the world. Judaism, Christianity and Islam the big three in the religious family we often refer to as Abrahamic religions. There is actually a fourth one too called Baha’i that sprung out of what is Iran. I will put Baha’i with a little * on it as I’m not going to hold it responsible for the same horror that one can easily hold the big three responsible for.

Abraham did leave a legacy, through the developments of these faiths, a world view, that today permeates every aspect of industrial society. It has been ran down our throats through Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It has affected us both in secular and religious ways. It is a legacy that fosters sexism, racism, human supremacy (Speciesism), the intolerance of difference, and the destruction of the natural world. These faiths have attempted–and successfully managed–to control, contain and confine spirituality, the relationship between an individual and the divine. As a result, Abrahamic religions has helped create not only a society but an entire culture, that dwells within most of us humans today, in which human people are alienated not only from one another but also from the divine.

I think it is fair to say that nothing in the history of our species have managed to led us this astray from what is actually real and important to us as living, organic beings. And I wonder if we will ever be able to set us back on course, to break through this. Even something as the body/mind split that basically grew out of the perceptions of these faiths are today taken as a given. We humans are today living more inside our minds than in our actual physical selves, our bodies.

So this leads me back to my opening. Was Abraham the worlds first sociopath? Again we will never know but looking at the result of his teachings and where it has taken us, I feel confident in saying that he was not a nice man.

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Jails are a symbol of an horrible society

How many thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people are being in jail around the western world right now based on false convictions? Because whoever wanted to nail you for something you did not actually do happened to have a better way of convincing a jury then those who were defending you.
The judicial system as it stands is not about finding out the truth, it’s about making sure you have the best arguments to make the jury believe you.

The jailing system does not work. And no I am not saying I want rapists and murderers and actual horrible people out in the streets, that is not what I am saying but the jailing system is not about making sure truth prevails. It is about being the best in the courtroom in making someone believe you and how many times does not the ones who want to nail you for something win? Even if they are not really having the truth? They have only their truth, their believes. not the actual truth.

What about the evidence I hear you say. Yes evidence is key but how many times can evidence not be used wrongly? Evidence is more often than not used by either side to prove their point of view, not to prove the actual truth.

The judicial system has to be heavily altered or the numbers of people who are wrongly in jail for things they did not actually do will keep on increasing and one innocent person in jail is one too many. Period.

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We don’t deserve this way of life

Civilization is not and can never be sustainable. This is especially true for industrial civilization. – Derrick Jensen

1. Animal testing is still a thing and even though it’s lesser today than in the past animal testing lay the foundation for most of the medicine we have in today’s western world. As well as most chemicals you take for granted in your toothpaste, computer, TV, cellphone, paints, plastics and so on they have all been tested on non-human animals many, many times of the past. One reason we don’t deserve this way of life.

2. The notion that everything belongs to us is very evident in today’s industrial world. There are those who claim that we should manage resources more gently and efficient, even claim we should only use renewable resources. Problem of course is that everything around us is still seen as resources, things to be used by us. Thing that exists for us. And another reason why we don’t deserve this way of life.

3. Violence. No other cultures has been as violent as the civilized ones. While we are not the first civilization to exist we sure as heck are the most violent but all civilizations has been based on violence. It is impossible to have this kind of social arrangements without it. As your cities grow you need to expand your territories more and more to make sure you get the ”resources” needed to sustain your way of life. And another reason why we don’t deserve this way of life.

4.  We live on borrowed time. Most of us alive today are only alive because of oil. There is no way 7+ billion human beings would be living today unless it was for the usage of oil and oil will one day not exist in the volumes needed to keep this global civilization going. There is as far as I know no other thing out there that could replace oil and how much it has helped us create what all of us alive today take as a given; industrial society. One day our numbers will get reduced. Whether we do it on our own, voluntarily, or that the real physical world will do it for us remains to be seen. And you guessed it. Another reason why we don’t deserve this way of life.

5. Species extinction. This is of course directly connected to the previous entry. Because of our numbers we of course are starting to take over so much of the planet, which is needed to sustain this way of life and the growing numbers that we still are. This of course leads to other species having to give up on their homes, their territories because we come in and lay siege on the lands to put it to human use and gains the fifth reason as to why we don’t deserve this way of life.

6. The belief in infinite growth on a finite planet. When all comes down it you most likely will land in this magical belief that actually lays like a shimmer in our society; from political systems, to religious beliefs.. this is one of the most unquestioned assumptions of all time I think. This belief is of course insane. No species can ever grow outside of the carrying capacity of the planet and expect to make it out all happy and good. And this is my final entry as to why we simply do not deserve this way of life.

Industrial civilization is odds with everything sane. It is at odds with life itself. It is as odds with us humans (despite it being our own creation) as it also is increasingly making us more and more ill both mentally and physically. We simply do not deserve this way of life.

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Dear white people

Dear White People,

You are Tribal and Indigenous already (just like me). The historical facts are that all of the ”white people” of Europe used to be indigenous tribes before a very few in power decided to colonize Europe FIRST, before ever spreading to other continents like ”turtle island” (north america). They killed off large numbers of your own ancestors and destroyed all traces of most of your old traditional tribal ways. After over 2000 years this has left a large spiritual void inside most European peoples who have moved all over the world. Sometimes they try to fill that void with other indigenous peoples cultural traditions. Europeans and European-Americans shouldn’t feel ”White Guilt” it’s not natural, if you’re feeling that it’s actually a misunderstanding of who YOU ARE. Once you realize you’re tribal and indigenous from some ancient cultures in Europe that were wiped out by the few in power to control your people for generations I believe you should FEEL OFFENDED… offended that they’re still trying to destroy the last pockets of indigenous tribes around the world. Stop the colonizing consumerist system from destroying the last of us in order to help heal that subconscious void inside of you from not having any way to reconnect to what the power structure took from your tribal ancestors and you.
Leo Yankton

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What is anti-civ?

Civilization originates in conquest abroad and repression at home – Stanley Diamond

What started as a bunch of messages on Twitter I decided to write up here in a blogpost instead. So over the months and last year or so I have gotten some actual serious questions in regards of the ”anti-civ movement”. First of I would like to say that it might not be so much of an actual movement as it is a set of ideals and concepts and understandings that civilizations–and this is especially true for industrial civilization–are fundamentally unsustainable and can never become sustainable. This understanding is taken up by a number of groups and organizations in an vast area of society from environmentalists to economists, scientists and even politicians and so on.

But to better try and explain it shortly and then for those who are interested in learning more I will end by adding a few book tips that I find to be extremely well written stuff for those who want to dig more into the whole idea of ”anti-civilization”.

One of the major understandings of this idea of thoughts is that civilizations are fundamentally unsustainable as civilizations are characterized by the growth of cities. Environmental Philosopher Derrick Jensen I find sums it up best when he argues that a city is humans living in numbers large enough that they routinely needs the importation of resources which then leads to the fact that trade can then never be sufficiently reliable because if you require the importation of resources and you one day find it that others will not trade with you, you will use force to take it (or try and take it) because your life depends on it. This is at the essence of civilizations in my opinion. This underlying violence will always be hoovering in the shadows.

I can go on and on about this but as I see it much of this is at the essence of understanding why civilization is problematic and why for a truly sustainable and healthy world and human society civilization needs to be dismantled. If this has caught your interest I will now list a few books I think are very good in better explaining a wide array of things that I would say fit under the ”anti-civ” idea.

First off is a really good book called My Name is Chellis and I am in recovery from Western Civilization. I would say this book is a really good introduction to a number of other books that might deal more heavy and in depth on certain things mentioned in this book. She is a fantastic writer.

Next up I would go to recommend one of my favorite writers of the modern era, Derrick Jensen, he has written a number of really interesting books but if I would pick one book that I find fits this blog entry I would say it is his book A Language Older Than Words This book takes a deep look on the violence that permeates so much of our lives and touches not only us but basically all life on this planet.

My third recommendation would be Columbus and Other Cannibals: The Wetiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism, and Terrorism which takes a deep and good look at the phenomena at the underlying psyche among so many of us humans that can give rise to social arrangements such as civilizations. A very interesting book indeed that gives you a lot of think about what it means to be human in the modern age for sure.

There I think I will leave it at that. There are of course much, much more to read out there but I can’t possibly list them all and these three I think will help give a good insight in what the entire idea of ”anti-civ” actually roots itself in. So hope this will answer all your wonders out there.




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What’s wrong with renewable energy?

Such a sad but true entry really. I wish this wasn’t the case but it is…

stories of creative ecology

burning wind turbine

Ten things environmentalists need to know about renewable energy:

1.    Solar panels and wind turbines aren’t made out of nothing. They are made out of metals, plastics, chemicals. These products have been mined out of the ground, transported, processed, manufactured. Each stage leaves behind a trail of devastation: habitat destruction, water contamination, colonization, toxic waste, slave labour, greenhouse gas emissions, wars, and corporate profits. Renewables can never replace fossil fuel infrastructure, as they are entirely dependent on it for their existence.

2.    The majority of electricity that is generated by renewables is used in manufacturing, mining, and other industries that are destroying the planet. Even if the generation of electricity were harmless, the consumption certainly isn’t. Every electrical device, in the process of production, leaves behind the same trail of devastation. Living communities—forests, rivers, oceans—become dead commodities.

3.    The aim of converting from conventional power generation to renewables is to…

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Domestication and Patriarchy

“There was no anger in her for Kino. He had said, ‘I am a man’, and that meant certain things to Juana. It meant that he was half insane and half god. It meant that Kino would drive his strength against a mountain and plunge his strength against the sea. Juana, in her woman’s soul, knew that the mountain would stand while the man broke himself; that the sea would surge while the man drowned in it.”
The Pearl, by John Steinbeck

This entry is a guest entry so the words below will not be written by me. I’ve been in contact with the writer and got the green light to post it, green light.. oh environmental friendly! Jokes aside I find it to be very thoughtful and takes on domestication and patriarchies connection to domestication in a much refreshing way. Enjoy the read.

Patriarchy as a power structure and institution of domination (we are not talking about random assholes throughout history, of which that has and will exist forever, even in egalitarian indigenous societies, but rather societal norms of male supremacy) arose because of domestication, meaning there’s something inherent in the domestication process that produces inequality based on sex, or it existed pre-domestication and thus exists independent of it and civ, and therefore it may be just human nature.

If it is the former, then our fight against patriarchy is part of the larger fight against civ, and its driving logic – domestication. By fighting the over-arching power structure from which all other power structures proliferate (civilization), and attacking the power structures within it, we have the opportunity to create a truly free society – including the absence of male dominance. If it is the latter though, then our fight against patriarchy is going to be even harder and require different tactics, because fighting civ and its power structures won’t be enough. It may yield less domination and greater equality, but it won’t end patriarchy as an institution. It will be a power structure that will have to be fought independently, and continuously fought, and with constant vigilance even if successful, even long after the fall, and would be required even of uncivilized indigenous people. This is because in this scenario, it would be human nature for men to dominate women and we’d be fighting biology and natural human tendencies.

I believe patriarchy is a power structure stemming from domestication, not human nature, and fortunately anthropological evidence seems to support that.

Patriarchy doesn’t stem from agriculture, or civilization, but rather from domestication; agriculture and civ merely enhance it. Domestication is a process of controlling life. It is also the process by which previously nomadic human populations shift towards a sedentary or settled existence. Domestication existed before civilization, but definitely gave rise to it. As nomadic foragers traded wildness for horticulture, even if only to augment foraging, they undertook a transition that took them from a way of life that existed in balance with land and life to one that embodied totalitarian relationship, control and manipulation of the land. Once you introduce gardens, you become dependent on their production for sustenance. You necessarily see the land as a producer, something to be owned and manipulated for the production of food. You also become sedentary, as you have to remain near the gardens at least for significant periods of time throughout the year, if not completely permanent, to sow, tend, and harvest, as well as defend. Healthy competition among nonhumans becomes warlike, and animals that you would see as competitive become enemy, even something to exterminate. And your gardens have to be defended against other humans as well. In addition, along with this comes the notion of property, the carving up of the land for ownership – saying this is mine. By claiming ownership of the land, not only do you deny its agency and inherent right to exist separate from your exploitation, but you deprive it from others’ use, both humans and non-humans. You hold something of value, and others are denied access to it. Therefore it is something you hold over them. Maybe you coerce services for its access, or use its products for trade. It is property, and thus wealth and power. And your relationship to the land and all human and non-human life outside your circle becomes hierarchical.

And with this constant need to defend your property from others, who may not respect your claim to ownership and exclusive use, horticulturists tend to develop a warrior culture, and valorize strength and courage and stoicism and masculinity. With warrior culture comes a preference for men, as on average men are biologically more muscular and often more aggressive. Men cults with men’s houses arise, as constant back and forth raiding and revenge raiding becomes routine. And with the acceptance of hierarchy and power already, over the land, over non-human life, over those outside one’s tribe, and with a preference for men and masculinity in general, there’s few obstacles to seeing women as not only inferior, but as yet another resource to own, as further property.

Agriculture takes all this to the extreme. Agriculture didn’t arise out of horticultural communities, but rather arose directly from foragers in areas dominated by specific wild grasses. Foragers grew sedentary as they fenced in these grains, creating permanent settlements (and vast fields with even less crop and food diversity than horticulturists) and learned how to domesticate them, thus creating the first true cities. This happened in the Middle East and the Indus Valley with wheat and wheat-like grains, Southeast Asia with rice, South America with quinoa, and corn in Central and Southwestern North America. Social stratification based on sex and class, the othering of outsiders, mass surpluses of food, ownership of land and resources and the products of laborers engaged in non-food producing endeavors thanks to the surplus – all both emerging from and leading to more wealth, property, inequality, war, empire, and so on.

This is backed up by what we know of ancient hunter-gatherers through first hand recorded accounts as well as those still living today. Hunter-gatherers today (heartbreakingly few) that are fully forager, and have abstained from the encroaching influence of the dominant culture (again, heartbreakingly few), remain egalitarian. If there is a division of labor based on sex, it is based on true physical differences, not notions of superiority, such as men hunting the large game, and women nursing children. But most tasks are held in common, like gathering firewood, making clothes and hunting tools, and gathering fruit and nuts. And what they make and own is few due to the natural limitations to surplus that a nomadic existence ensures.

But indigenous communities that have adopted some horticulture, or who have completely switched to subsistence farming, are less egalitarian, for all the reasons mentioned above. Many Polynesian island communities exemplified this, as do most of the remaining indigenous people of the interior of Papua New Guinea. And even indigenous people that aren’t horticulturalists fall victim to patriarchy if they become domesticated. Tribes of the Pacific Northwest were hunter-gatherers, but yet still sedentary because of the abundance of the salmon runs. And they had hierarchies with Chiefs and Big Men, ownership of surplus and wealth, power over others, a warrior culture. Many Inuit peoples fared the same despite their complete lack of either horticulture or agriculture, because as they domesticated dogs for transportation, it allowed those who did to store and transport more than they could carry, leading to wealth accumulation and property.

That’s not to criticize them in any way. Their way of life, though not completely without power relations and hierarchy, still involved a reverence for life and the land and can’t compare to the level of destruction caused by civilization and industry. But I think it’s important, and not just feel-good theorizing, to try to understand the real origins of coercive power and hierarchy, including patriarchy, because if we are ever to create autonomous communities in right relationship with the land and human and non-human life, and though we can stand in solidarity with all indigenous peoples regardless of food acquisition method, we should discard the characteristics of those societies that tended to inequality.

This really comes down to the return systems of indigenous people, as there’s a difference between immediate return hunter-gatherers and even non-trade oriented delayed return hunter-gathers, who are egalitarian, and the trade-oriented delayed return economies of non-egalitarian indigenous people.

– Ryan The Green

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Globalization is Americanization

Once upon a time I loved everything about USA. Hank Williams was my idol and I drank Coca Cola and wore my Levis jeans. That’s how it was back then but with time I started to notice that the love had some real major holes.

Then I learned about Nixon and his devilish ”watergate” and then that kennedy, who every seemed to have believed in, was having sex with Marilyn Monroe. And slowly but steadily everything got worse with this nation who once were everybody’s dream. What we believed was a band of love was only the capitals tighten knot because everything they did we was supposed to apply here of course, they on the other hand bought nothing from us. So this deal gave us nothing but a grave totally full of shit.

America is soon controlling the entire world under military threat and behind the computer screens using internet they are turning the world around them into idiots. What they are doing is so stupid that it’s hard to believe and yet we all are supposed to do the same.

Globalization ie Americanization makes us all sit in a bad position and we are being overrun by their crap. With their help we dug a huge hole and all of us is about to fall into it. McDonalds, McEvans and CGI infested movies and what else it can be, yes, all the trends are coming from USA. It seems that today we have no choice, we have been swallowed by a giant capital, an empire that never seems to get satisfied. The entire world is buying into a culture built on deceit and narcissism .

We are being tricked by Americans.

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